Ready, Set, Learn
On Tuesday, May 14th St. James & St. Ann’s School will be holding our Ready, Set, Learn event, from 6:00 – 7:00pm. If you are planning on attending this fun and interactive event, please click here to email the School Office so that we can plan accordingly. This is intended for children aged 3-5 and their parents. We hope to see you there! RSVP by Monday, May 11, 2024.
Consignment Donations
Do you have school uniform pieces that your children have outgrown, and you don’t know what to do with them? Please consider donating them to the school to go into our uniform cupboard. As you do your spring cleaning, we will happily take uniform pieces that are clean and in good condition. You can simply drop them off at the school office and we will take care of the rest!
Happy Mother's Day!
Thank you to all of the Mothers and Grandmothers of the school community for attending our Mother’s Day Tea. We also extend a very special to thank you to Fr. Jan who was our amazing keynote speaker.
We would like to take a moment to thank all of the Moms, Grandmas, Aunties, Godmothers and friends of the school! Thank you for entrusting your children into our care. We pray that God will continue to bless you and we hope your Mother’s Day is as fabulous as you are!
May 17th and 20th - No School
Just a reminder that the school will be closed on Friday, May 17th and again on Monday, May 20th for the Victoria Day holiday.
SJB Summer Sports Camp
Please click on the link for more information on the upcoming SJB Summer Sports Camp.
Next School Mass - Wednesday, May22nd - Crowning of Mary
Our next school Mass will take place on Wednesday, May 22nd at 9:00am at St. James Church, led by our Kindergarten class. We would ask all students who are able to bring some fresh cut flowers from their garden at home, to place in front of the statue of Mary at the Church. In the morning on May 22nd when the students arrive at school, the flowers will be placed in vases outside the office and will later be brought to the Church. Parents are welcome to attend this Mass to help us show Mary how much we love her.
Education Committee Positions Available
Applications are now being accepted for positions on the 2024/25 Regional Education Committee (REC). The committee meets monthly to review policies, and discuss matters pertaining to the school. Each committee member is responsible for a portfolio that supports the operation of our school in various ways. This is a role position, which means that REC members are not required to complete parent participation or special event hours on top of their commitments. For any questions or to request an application form, please email Tina Girard at ecchair@stjameselementary.ca or speak to your pastor. Currently, we have vacancies at St. Ann’s, Sts. Joachim and Ann & St. James parishes. All applications must be submitted by May 16, 2024.
Women’s Retreat at St. Ann’s - May 25th
St. Ann’s is hosting a Women’s Retreat on May 25th. Please see the information below.
May - Mental Health Month Resources from Fraser Health
Please see the information below from Fraser Health:
- Download the full toolkit here: Healthy schools communications toolkit – Fraser Health
For more information about healthy living resources, programs and services for schools and families, please visit the Fraser Health website at fraserhealth.ca/schoolhealth
Please contact us is you have any questions or feedback.
May – Mental health and youth substance use
Article for website or newsletter:
Mental health and substance use impacts on youth
Youth is a time of growing, learning and changing. It can also be a time when behaviours may become more risky and youth may experiment with substance use. While not all youth will choose to use substances, many do experiment and some experience harms from their own or other’s substance use.
Alcohol is, by far, the most common substance used by youth. This is followed by cannabis and nicotine. Among youth, vaping has become a very popular way to use nicotine and cannabis. Additionally, a small number of youth use illicit substances and these youth are vulnerable to toxic drugs circulating in the community.
Alcohol is commonly consumed by adults in many social situations and youth often don’t realize that it is a drug that carries considerable risk. Intoxication puts youth at increased risk for injury, violence and overdose (also called alcohol poisoning). Long term alcohol-use can cause cancer and increases risk for heart disease, liver disease and many health issues.
Youth who use substances are at increased risk of mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. All substances can have negative impacts on the way a child or youth’s brain grows and develops.
Helping youth to avoid or delay substance use for as long as possible can help protect their physical and mental health. It is never too early to talk to your child or youth about alcohol and substance use. Here are some tips to help you support your child or youth:
- Start by having open and honest conversations. Be a good listener. Avoid lecturing or making judgements.
- Look for natural opportunities to spark discussion including movies and media.
- Seek out factual information to share with your children. Work together to build life skills that help you and your child prepare for situations where substances may be offered.
- If you use alcohol or other substances, pay attention to when, why and how much you use. Have conversations with your children about how they feel about your alcohol or substance use.
- Encourage youth to delay the decision to use alcohol and other substances. Have conversations with them to see if they are thinking about trying alcohol or other substances. If they are, ask if they could wait for an agreed on period of time. Check in with them often.
- Have clear but caring boundaries and family guidelines about alcohol and substance use. Ensure your child feels safe and supported. For example, let them know you will provide a safe ride home for them or their friends if they need one.
Visit Fraser Health’s web page Substance Use in Children and Youth to learn more.
Find out what services, programs and resources are available for your child and/or youth here.
Catholic Educator’s Conference – No School
February 13 - February 14Family Day – No School
February 17Grade 6/7 Boys Practice – 2:45 pm
February 18 @ 2:45 pm - 4:00 pmGrade 6/7 Girls Tournament @ Cornerstone – 3:00 pm
February 18 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Grade 6/7 Boys Practice – 2:45 pm
February 18 @ 2:45 pm - 4:00 pmGrade 4/5 Girls Tournament @ Hansen – 3:00 pm
February 18 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pmGrade 6/7 Girls Tournament @ Cornerstone – 3:00 pm
February 18 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pmGrade 6/7 Boys Tournament @ Cornerstone – 3:00 pm
February 19 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm