Thunder News Flash – June 15, 2024

June 14, 2024
  • Happy Father's Day

    We wish all dads and grandfathers in our school community a very happy Father’s Day on Sunday.  We hope you are spoiled by your children and have a wonderful day.

  • Upcoming June Events

    Planning Day – Monday, June 17th:

    There will be no school for the students on Monday, June 17th, as the staff gathers to plan for the upcoming school year.

    Grab & Go Gratitude – Wednesday, June 19th:

    The school staff would like an opportunity to thank all of the parents for the amazing support you have given us during this school year.  From 8:00am – 8:30am we will be stationed in the Drop Off Lane, handing out coffee and homemade treats to all the parents – our small way to say that we appreciate everything you do for your children and all of us.  Just like a drive through, without the window!

    Grade 7 Farewell – Wednesday, June 19th:

    We will be celebrating our Grade 7 students with a special “farewell event” on Wednesday, June 19th, from 5:45pm – 8:30pm.  This evening is for the Grade 7 students and their families, and will begin with Mass at St. James Church, followed by a celebration in the gym.

    Step Up Day – Friday, June 21st –  1:00 – 2:00pm:

    Students who will be in Grades 1 – 7 next school year will have the opportunity to “step up” to their new grade for the afternoon.  This is always a wonderful opportunity for the students to learn a little bit about their future grade, meet next year’s teacher and participate in some fun activities.  A reminder that Grade 7’s will go home at noon on this day.

    Rag & Bag Day – Tuesday, June 25th:

    Each student is asked to come to school on June 25th with a rag and a sturdy bag.  They will use the rag to wash down their desk and chair, and help to clean up their classroom.  The bag will be used to pack up and bring home all of their belongings, as the school year comes to a close the next day.

    Last Day of School – Wednesday, June 26th:

    Wednesday, June 26th is the last day of school.  We will attend Mass as a school, and we invite parents to join us for this special celebration where we send off our Grade 7 students, ask our Grade 6 students to take over the leadership role at the school, and say goodbye to a number of staff members and families who are leaving the school.  After Mass we will go back to the school to watch our year end slideshow, and then the students return to their classrooms to collect their final Progress Reports.  It is always a bittersweet day at school, but we look forward to the many adventures that are to come!  Dismissal will be at 11:30.

  • Spaces Available for 2024-2025

    While we had a very successful re-registration of our existing students, and will be welcoming many new students to the school in September, there are still some spaces available for the 2024-2025 school year.  If you know of any families who are considering sending their children to St. James & St. Ann’s School, we have limited space in Kindergarten and Grade 7.  The Application Package can be found on our school’s website.

  • Staffing Update

    We welcome Miss Jessie Papaianni who will be teaching in Grade 3 part time with Mr. Sorley and Mr. Mike Girard who will be teaching in Kindergarten.  We would also like to take the time to send our best wishes to the staff who will be leaving us: Mrs. Caroline Winship, Mrs. Brenda Di Palma and Mrs. Breanne Holitzki.  We thank them for their dedication to our school and wish them all of God’s blessings in their future endeavours.  

    Here is the Staff List for the 2024-25 School Year:

    Principal – Mr. Gianni Bittante

    Vice Principal – Miss Sheena Lewis

    K – Mr. Mike Girard

    1 – Miss Sophia Bouwman 

    1 / 2 – Mrs. Tara Gaudet  (Monday – Thursday) & Mrs. Wakely  (Friday)

    3 – Mrs. Sorley (Monday & Tuesday) & Miss Papaianni  (Wednesday – Friday)

    4 – Mrs. Laura Hunger

    5 – Mrs. Zuzana Lavrikova

    6 – Mrs. Lauren Schwagele

    7 – Mrs. Rita Wakely (Monday – Wednesday) & Mrs. Christy Dos Santos (Thursday – Friday)

    PE – Mrs. Rebecca Baker – Monday & Tuesday ***Please note this is a change of days

    Specialist Teacher – Mr. Michael Sorely – Wednesday – Friday

    Learning Resource:

    – Mrs. Sheena Lewis 

    – Mrs. Larissa Cobo

    – Mrs. Marie Doyle

  • Mission in the North and Freezie Sales

    Bishop Hector (Bishop of Whitehorse Diocese) has asked for a group of parishioners to continue our Mission work to some of the Parishes in Northern B.C. A group from the lower mainland had begun this work long before Covid, and have now been invited back to continue the work that we began to strengthen community among the faithful and provide any support necessary to the Churches of the North. This initiative is supported by Archbishop Michael Miller and will give us an opportunity to work collectively to make a positive impact to support the Church of the North. Our main focus is with the First Nations people living in the area. We are asking that you support us through your prayers.  We will have freezie sales Tuesday and Wednesday this week after school 2:30 to 2:45 and the money raised will go directly to supporting the Missions to the Northern church. It will also enable us to buy some of the building supplies that will be needed to complete some small maintenance projects at some of our Northern Churches. We will be also teaching and preparing adults and children for their sacraments.  Thank you in advance for your help. Mrs. Dos Santos and Mrs. Wakely.

  • Consignment Sale

    There will be a consignment sale this Friday, June 21st from 1-2pm.  Please send in any used uniforms to the office before Friday.

    Thank you!


  • Breakfast Club - Last day June 14th

    Please note that the LAST day for Breakfast Club was this past Friday, June 14th.

  • upcoming-events

  • Sports
  • Parent Participation Program

    Thank you for your support!