Happy New Year & Upcoming Thunder Family Events
Dear Parents,
We wish all of you a very Happy New Year! We would like to thank all of you who came out to support our school by attending the Christmas Musical and the Thunder Family skate the last week of school in December. We will continue to work hard to offer more opportunities to connect as a community as the year progresses. Our next events will be the Thunder Family night with the Abbotsford Canucks coming up on Feb. 2nd, followed by our Winter Movie Night on Feb. 9th. We hope to see many of you at these events.
New Parent Participation System
Dear Parents,
The Parent volunteer program is a cornerstone of our school community. As this program plays such an important role in our school and community. We have decided to take steps to help make the process easier for everyone involved, parents, volunteer team leaders and school staff alike.
New Volunteer System
We will be moving to a new online software system (OnVolunteers) to make it easier for parents to participate in the volunteer program. The new system automates and simplifies the volunteer process.
There is no fee for parents to use this system.
Each family will have their own unique password-protected website, aka ‘Parent Portal’.
From within your own portal, you will be able to:
- Easily view and quickly sign up for available volunteer tasks.
- Automatically track the tasks you have signed up for or have been assigned.
- You do not have to manually submit service hours for volunteer positions (the software tracks it for you).
- Know your real-time service hours total (pending or verified), any time.
- Receive/send messages from and to the Volunteer team regarding service-related matters, all from within your Parent portal.
You can log in to your portal at the following url:
Username is: [ the primary email the family uses with the school ]Parent password is: SJSA@2023
The first time you log in, you will see a ‘Start Guide’ screen, this has 4 short videos which will familiarize you with your portal. We recommend you watch at least the 1 st video, the Introduction video. This video will show you how to personalize your password (which we strongly recommend you do, for security purposes).Your Parent portal is very easy to use, you do not need any technical knowledge to use it. Along with the Start Guide, there are other videos in the ‘How-To’ area, link on the upper right inside your portal.
If you have any questions about our new volunteer process, please feel free to contact us at: participation@stjameselementary.caAn email was sent to parents on Friday, Jan. 11th. If you did not receive this, please contact the school at office@stjameselementary.ca
Work Bee - January 13
There is a Work Bee this Saturday, January 13th at the school from 9:00am – 2:00pm. Please bring gloves for both inside and outside work, as well as any small, cordless gardening tools you are able to bring. Your work around the school, both inside and outside, is much appreciated.
Winter Movie Night ~ Friday, February 9th
Our Fall Movie Night was such a huge success that we are having another one. Mark your calendars – Winter Movie Night Fundraiser on Friday, February 9. Come and watch the movie on our big 16×9 Movie Screen in the school gym. More information, including which movie we will be showing, coming soon.
Open House
This is a reminder that our Open House for prospective families will take place on Wednesday, January 24th at 6:30 in our school gym. Please encourage family and friends who are considering St. James and St. Ann’s School to attend.
DATE: Wednesday, February 21, 2024
TIME: 6:30 – AGM with your REC & 7PM Guest Speaker on Technology and Our ChildrenLOCATION: St. James Catholic School – 2767 Townline Road, Abbotsford
As a parent/caregiver, you lead the charge as a digital role model. Help your child develop a strong digital citizenship foundation while reminding them that their digital tattoo reflects their real and online selves. Parents/Caregivers have an important role to play in providing support and guidance during critical periods. A snapshot of current trends and concerning apps will be provided to equip you in your digital parenting strategy.
- Social Media Update – The most current apps and trends in your children’s social media lives
- Digital Parenting Strategy – How to have important conversations with your child around social media safety
- Digital Footprint and Reputation – With their future approaching, recruiters and employers are taking note – What will they find?
- Family Tech Plan – Recommendations for family guidelines and parental controls
It is a requirement for at least ONE parent from each family to attend the AGM.
Tax receipts will be handed out at the end of this evening.
Kids For Jesus
Kids for Jesus (K for J) takes place on the last Saturday of the month from 10:00 – 12:00 with Sister Elizabeth at St. Ann’s. Sr. Elizabeth is hoping to see many of the students on Saturday, January 27th.
New Reporting Order
Please see the letter from the Ministry of Education and Child Care. Staff is working with the CISVA office to implement these changes for the 2024-25 school year.
Proficiency Scales
Please see the letter from the Ministry of Education and Child Care outlining the Proficiency Scales.
Proficiency Scale 2024 – Ministry definitions
The new year is a good time to take a look at your children’s uniforms to make sure that they comply with our uniform policy and to replace any items that they have grown out of. Below is a copy of the uniform policy that can be found in the parent handbook.
St. James & St. Ann’s School believes that a school uniform is an identifying symbol of a particular school with its own individual characteristics. It identifies a child as a student of St. James & St. Ann’s School and should be worn with pride. The following outlines the regular school uniform:
· Prescribed tunic or kilt (Grades 1 – 7), or navy skort all from Neat Uniforms; navy shorts from Neat Uniforms or similar shorts to those at Neat Uniforms; navy uniform pants from Neat Uniforms or similar pants to those at Neat Uniforms (no low riders, cargo, wide waist)
· Kindergarten wear pants and/or shorts.
· Prescribed blue golf shirt with logo (long or short sleeved)
· K-6 prescribed navy crew neck sweatshirt with logo – must be worn to Mass (to be ordered through the school)
· Gr.7 Hoodie
· Solid black shoes (dress shoe or runner) no contrasting trims or soles allowed
· Outside shoe (closed shoe or boot)
· Navy or black socks or navy leotards/tights with kilt and tunic
· Prescribed navy uniform pants from Neat Uniforms or similar to those at Neat Uniforms (no jean-like, rugby, cargo or fashion pants); or navy shorts from Neat Uniforms or similar shorts to those at Neat Uniforms
· Prescribed blue golf shirt with logo (long or short sleeved)
· K-6 prescribed navy crew neck sweatshirt with logo – must be worn to Mass (to be ordered through the school)
· Gr.7 Hoodie
· Solid black shoes (dress shoe or runner)
no contrasting trims or soles allowed
· Outside Shoe (closed shoe or boot)
· Navy or black socks
· Prescribed navy shorts, prescribed blue St. James & St. Ann’s T-shirt, and non-marking running shoes. Students may wear their Thunder Wear for gym.
· Overall appearance is important. Students should present themselves in a neat and tidy manner (shirts tucked in).
· No jewelry is to be worn except for small stud earrings or sleepers, simple chain with cross or religious medal and watches.
· Make up, nail polish or elaborate hair accessories (scarves or bandanas) are not part of the school uniform and may not be worn. Hair accessories must be in school colours or natural hair colour.
· Extreme hairstyles or dyed hair will not be permitted. Hair should be kept neat and tidy, and out of the eyes for safety reasons.
· In general, any appearance that deviates from the school uniform will not be permitted. The inappropriateness of a uniform will be determined at the discretion of the principal.
· Students are required to be in complete uniform daily. If a student cannot be in complete uniform, a signed note must be brought from his/her parent. Students must arrive at and leave school wearing the school uniform. If a student is out of uniform without a signed note, parents will be notified with an official uniform letter.
· https://www.neatuniforms.ca/
Catholic Educator’s Conference – No School
February 13 - February 14Family Day – No School
February 17Grade 6/7 Boys Practice – 2:45 pm
February 18 @ 2:45 pm - 4:00 pmGrade 6/7 Girls Tournament @ Cornerstone – 3:00 pm
February 18 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Grade 6/7 Boys Practice – 2:45 pm
February 18 @ 2:45 pm - 4:00 pmGrade 4/5 Girls Tournament @ Hansen – 3:00 pm
February 18 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pmGrade 6/7 Girls Tournament @ Cornerstone – 3:00 pm
February 18 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pmGrade 6/7 Boys Tournament @ Cornerstone – 3:00 pm
February 19 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Parent Participation Program
Thank you for your support!