Parent Handbook
The Parent Handbook is currently being revised, and hopefully will be on the website in the next two weeks. There are a number of changes in the Parent Handbook that are quite important, so please review this document carefully once the latest edition is published on the website. In the Thunder News Flash that comes out before the Parent Handbook is published we will try and point out the most important revisions for parents to read.
Extra-Curricular Activities and Clubs
As you are aware, we offer a number of extra-curricular activities and clubs at our school, and are very appreciative of the fact that staff members and parents put a great deal of their time into sponsoring or coaching these programs. While we know that sometimes a game can end earlier than expected, for the most part clubs or sports practices do have a “fixed” end time. While we understand that emergencies can come up or sometimes there are unavoidable traffic problems, we would ask your assistance in ensuring that your children are picked up on time. Children who are still waiting to be picked up more than 15 minutes after the scheduled end time of an event will be taken to the Thunder Club and their parents will be charged for this service.
School Procedures and Communication
The procedure at our school for student arrival in the morning is that at 8:15 all students are taken outside by the supervisor to enjoy some social time with their friends before school starts. If your child arrives after 8:15 they should then say “good-bye” to their parents, walk down the hall and enter the playground through the doors on the west side of the school. This procedure is only different for the Kindergarten students, as they are encouraged to have their parents or another adult read with them before school starts.
In the afternoon, students are dismissed at 2:30, and should exit the school through the front glass doors and meet their parents outside, or walk to their car if they are in Grade 5 and above. If it is raining, of course parents are welcome to meet their children in the foyer of the school.
It has come to our attention that there are many parents who are wanting to meet with their child’s teacher at 8:30 or at 2:30 to discuss issues that have come up. Unfortunately, as you can imagine, this is not the optimal time to try and meet with a teacher as they are busy getting their students ready to start the day, or are helping students collect their belongings, pack up and get ready to go home. If you have a concern that you need to speak to the teacher about, feel free to email them through the school’s website to set up an appointment, as email is not an appropriate forum to engage in a discussion about concerns you may have. You could also call the school or stop by the school office to set up an appointment with their teacher. The teachers are more than willing to meet with or speak to parents to discuss their child and any concerns or issues that come up, but at appropriate times.
Red Cross Babysitting Program
We are pleased to announce that the Red Cross Babysitting Program will be going ahead, beginning on Monday, September 26th. The classes begin at 2:40pm and end promptly at 4:40pm, in the computer lab. If you have not yet returned your Registration Form and payment, please do so on Monday morning.
Do You Have That Thunder Spirit?
It’s that time of year again… THUNDERWEAR! In keeping with the school colours and Thunder Spirit, St. James & St. Ann’s is excited to offer a great selection of Thunderwear this year. We have hoodies, jogging pants and performance T’s in great school colours.
All students, staff and school families are encouraged to show their THUNDER SPIRIT! St. James & St. Ann’s will be having Thunder Spirit Thursdays on the last Thursday of every month starting again in October and everyone is invited to wear their Thunderwear (new and old) on these days instead of their uniform. Thunderwear will also be allowed on other special days throughout the school year.
Why buy Thunderwear? It is a great addition to your school uniform. Thunderwear is great to wear over your gym strip when it’s cold. Thunderwear is great to wear when you are part of a St. James & St. Ann’s extra curricular activity or watching your school mates at a sporting event and cheering them on PLUS each Thunderwear purchase enables St. James & St. Ann’s to acquire resources that are needed and benefit all students. (Please note Thunderwear is not mandatory.)
Order forms are coming home this week and samples of items are available in the office to try on for size from September 28th – October 5th.
Fun Night
On Friday, September 16th, St. James & St. Ann’s School held our first major fundraising event – Fun Night. The weather held out for the most part and the event was very well attended. What a great community building event for the school, and a fantastic way to say “welcome back” to another great school year.
We are excited to report that we raised over $8,000 at Fun Night. We are well on our way to our $50,000 goal for the year.
It takes a lot of help and support to put on our Fun Night carnival-style fundraiser and the Parent Fundraising Association (PFA) team would like to thank the following:
Aldergrove Denture Clinic: http://www.aldergrovedentureclinic.ca/
Crossroads Family Restaurant: https://www.facebook.com/pages/CrossRoads-Restaurant-LTD/133466696678260
Little Monsters Studio: http://www.littlemonstersstudio.com/about.html
Mission Dental Clinic: http://www.missiondentalclinic.com/
Westlynn Meats: http://westlynnmeatsandseafood.com/
YMS – Your Mortgage Source: http://www.YmsCanada.ca
Abbotsford Police Department
Bigfoot Crane Company
Bouwman Family
Knights of Columbus – St. Ann’s Parish
Knights of Columbus – St. James Parish
A big thank you also goes out to all the families who attended as well as the staff, parents and students who shared of their time to help make Fun Night a success. Working together as a community, using our gifts of time, talent and treasure, we can reach our fundraising goal for this year. Every dollar adds up and it all benefits the students of St. James & St. Ann’s. Thank you for your support of our great school.
Soccer Season
Soccer season is starting this week. Permission slips were sent home Thursday, September 22 – extras are available at the office. Please check the school website calendar for dates of practices and tournaments. Good luck!
Hymn Sing
February 12Catholic Educator’s Conference – No School
February 13 - February 14Family Day – No School
February 17Grade 6/7 Boys Practice – 2:45 pm
February 18 @ 2:45 pm - 4:00 pm
Grade 6/7 Boys Practice – 2:45 pm
February 18 @ 2:45 pm - 4:00 pmGrade 4/5 Girls Tournament @ Hansen – 3:00 pm
February 18 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pmGrade 6/7 Girls Tournament @ Cornerstone – 3:00 pm
February 18 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pmGrade 6/7 Boys Tournament @ Cornerstone – 3:00 pm
February 19 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm