Thunder Community Night at the Abbotsford Canucks
The Thunder Community at St. James and St. Ann’s School is once again hosting a School Spirit Night at an upcoming Abbotsford Canucks Home Game. Everyone is invited to join us Friday, January 31st at Abbotsford Centre as our Abbotsford Canucks face off to the Calgary Wranglers. Tickets are only $28 each and there are chances of winning prizes as well! EVERYONE is welcome, so invite your friends, your family and your neighbours! We are expecting a FUN night out and would love to fill the stands with people from our faith community. Get your tickets today! You can purchase your tickets through this link https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/Stjames20
Any questions, please forward to Tasha at community@stjameslelementary.ca
We hope to see you there!
Abbotsford Canucks - School Spirit Events
Abbotsford Canucks Spirit Raffle Fundraiser
Our Grade 7 students are hosting an exciting Abbotsford Canucks Spirit Raffle Fundraiser next week, and you won’t want to miss out!
📅 When: Lunchtimes all next week
📍 Where: In front of the school office
TWO lucky winners will take home an Abbotsford Canucks Prize Pack (generously donated by Axis Land Surveying and valued at $60 each)! Here’s what’s inside: https://www.stjameselementary.ca/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Raffle-Poster-US.pdf
•An Abbotsford Canucks Mug
•A cozy Abbotsford Canucks Tuque
•A reusable Abbotsford Canucks Bag filled with delicious candy and treats
Tickets are just $1 each!
Stock up and increase your chances of winning one of these incredible prize packs!
Let’s show our Abby Canucks spirit and support this fun fundraiser. All proceeds go toward supporting our school initiatives.
Dress Down Day
To help celebrate the School Spirit Hockey Night – we will be having a dress down day on Friday, January 31. For a $2 donation – Students may come in their favourite Hockey Jersey or dress in Blue, Green or White!
Student Health and Safety - Allergy Alert
At St. James and St. Ann’s we strive to provide a safe learning environment for all students. Due to some of our pupils suffering with life threatening nut allergies, we would like to remind parents that we are a Nut Free School. An allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock) can occur through ingestion of nut products, cross contamination and breathing nut dust in the air. Since this condition can be life threatening, we are asking all members of the school community for their help in minimizing the risk to these children by:
- Avoiding giving children nuts or nut products in their packed lunches
- Instructing your child not to share food with other classmates
We do have students with serious allergies to other food items. Teachers have sent an email to classes with special allergy alerts listing specific items which should not be sent to school, such as sesame seeds and oils. We ask you to please avoid sending these items to school, as it may put a child’s safety at risk.
Thank you in advance for making the class environment a safe and healthy place for the students. By working together, we can make a difference for our children!
No Toys from Home
Children have a natural desire to bring their favourite toys to school. However, doing so is often a distraction to learning, causes conflict or can result in lost or broken toys.
We understand that children want to show their special toys to others, but this can cause many difficulties during the school day. For example, children want to play with their special toy at recess, but can have difficult sharing that toy. This can create conflict between peers that children are unable to cope with or resolve amicably. Toys can become lost or broken, causing great upset. Other children may feel upset or anxious when someone else has a special toy and they don’t. Bringing toys from home into the school can also cause unhealthy competition amongst the children, eg “My truck is cooler than yours” and can, moreover, be used as a power/control source, eg. “If you don’t let me have it, you can’t come to my birthday party.” Most importantly, many children have a very difficult time choosing to put the toy away when it is time to learn and the toy become a distraction to that child and others during key instructional times. Classrooms have lots of items that students can play with at school during appropriate times. Students are also able to borrow equipment from the gym for outdoor play at recess.
We therefore request that children do NOT bring toys from home to school, but rather wait for the opportunity for sharing their own special toys when friends visit their home. If a child brings a toy from home, the child will be asked to put the toy away in their bag. If the child is unable to leave the toy in their bag then the teacher will temporarily confiscate the toy and place it in a cupboard for safekeeping. The child will be given the toy at the end of the day to return home.
We thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
Endow Women's Study Group
All women are invited to join us for an 8-session Endow study on Saint John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter, On the Christian Meaning of Suffering. This study explores the question of why God allows suffering, and will help us to ponder its meaning in our own lives. We will meet for eight Wednesdays from January 22nd to May 14th, from 12:30-2:30 p.m. in the St. James Church meeting room. Cost is $30 for a digital copy or $60 for a hard copy. Contact Eileen at eileenmgaudet@gmail.com to register. For more information about Endow, visit endowgroups.org.
Basketball Practice and Game Schedule
Monday, Jan 27.
Tuesday, Jan 28
- 7:45-8:20am – Gr. 4/5 Girls and Boys
- 2:40-4:00pm – Gr. 6/7 Boys Practice
Wednesday, Jan 29
- 12:15-12:45pm – Parking Lot Hockey (Intermediate Grades)
- 3:00pm – Gr. 4/5 Girls Game @ MEI
Thursday, Jan 30
- 7:45-8:20am – Gr. 6/7 Girls Practice
- 3:00pm – Gr. 4/5 Boys Game @ SJA
- 3:00pm – Gr. 6/7 Girls and Boys Game @ Dasmesh
Hymn Sing
February 12Catholic Educator’s Conference – No School
February 13 - February 14Family Day – No School
February 17Grade 6/7 Boys Practice – 2:45 pm
February 18 @ 2:45 pm - 4:00 pm
Grade 6/7 Boys Practice – 2:45 pm
February 18 @ 2:45 pm - 4:00 pmGrade 4/5 Girls Tournament @ Hansen – 3:00 pm
February 18 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pmGrade 6/7 Girls Tournament @ Cornerstone – 3:00 pm
February 18 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pmGrade 6/7 Boys Tournament @ Cornerstone – 3:00 pm
February 19 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm