Weather Alert - Monitor the Website Carefully
Snow is being forecast for over the weekend; possibly extending into Monday morning. In the event of inclement weather and possible school closures, please monitor the website closely as announcements should be posted there by 6:30am. Parents will also receive an email regarding any further school closures, but these may arrive in your inbox a little later. Please check the website and/ or your email before school on Monday!
Catholic School Week - Feb 10 - 14
St. (Pope) John Paul II said, “Catholic education is above all a question of communicating Christ, of helping to form Christ in the lives of others.”
Catholic Schools Week is a celebration of the excellence and impact of Catholic schools. Each year, Catholic schools observe the celebration through a
variety of activities, emphasizing the importance of Catholic education.
This year St. James and St. Ann’s school will celebrate Catholic Schools Week by thanking our parent community for their support. On February 11th – We have planned a special “grab and go” coffee and breakfast service for parents. From 8:00-8:30am, our staff will be outside serving coffee and treats. We will have a “to go” bag for parents dropping off their children and tables set up for parents who would like to stay and chat until school begins. Please join us on Feb. 11th! – and thank you for your ongoing support of our school!
“Heavenly Father, Your light shines brightly in your children. You have inspired us to do good deeds in your name. Bless this school and all who work to make your will known in the world. We ask this in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”
Valentine Candygrams
As Valentine’s Day approaches, we will be celebrating kindness, respect and friendship! As such, the Grade 7 class will again be organizing a Candygram sale. Candygrams are a unique way to show you are thinking of a special friend!
Candygrams will be sold by the Grade 7 class on February 5th, 6th, 10th and 11th. Candygrams will be sold for $1 for three candygrams. Candygrams will be sold in the front hall of the school during lunch time. Grade 7 students will be available to help to write names of friends on candygrams if needed. Proceeds will be used to support Grade 7 Outdoor Education. Thank you in advance for your support.
Community Coffee
Come join us for Community Coffee – Friday, February 7th!We are thrilled to offer our community coffee mornings twice each month. Right after school drop off, you are invited to join us in the gymnasium to meet other Thunder families for a morning of coffee and treats. This wonderful community building opportunity, allows families to come into the school and connect with other families. Younger siblings and family members are welcome.
Our dates for the remainder of 2025 are February 7 & 21, March 7 & 14, and April 4 & 11.We hope to see you there!
Work Bee - Feb 8th
The February Work Bee will take place at the school next Saturday, February 8th, from 9am-2pm. You may want to bring gloves for outside work. It would also be greatly appreciated if you could bring any small gardening tools, particularly a rake. Please also bring a lunch for the mid-day break. Thank you once again for all of your hard work to keep our school well maintained and beautiful!
All remaining Work Bee dates for this year have been uploaded to the School Calendar.
Early Dismissal
A gentle reminder that our next Early Dismissal day is scheduled for this Wednesday, Feb. 5th.
Movie Night! Save the date!
Our next Movie night is scheduled for February 28! Save the date! More details will be coming soon!
Basketball Practice and Game Schedule
Monday, Feb. 3
Tuesday, Feb. 4
- 7:45-8:20am – Gr. 4/5 Girls and Boys
- 3:00pm – Gr. 4/5 Girls Game @ King
- 3:00pm – Gr. 6/7 Boys Game @ STJ
Thursday, Feb. 6
- 7:45-8:20am – Gr. 6/7 Girls Practice
- 3:00pm – Gr. 4/5 Boys Game @ King
Friday, Feb. 7
- 12:15pm – Gr. 6/7 Boys Shooting Practice
Hymn Sing
February 12Catholic Educator’s Conference – No School
February 13 - February 14Family Day – No School
February 17Grade 6/7 Boys Practice – 2:45 pm
February 18 @ 2:45 pm - 4:00 pm
Grade 6/7 Boys Practice – 2:45 pm
February 18 @ 2:45 pm - 4:00 pmGrade 4/5 Girls Tournament @ Hansen – 3:00 pm
February 18 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pmGrade 6/7 Girls Tournament @ Cornerstone – 3:00 pm
February 18 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pmGrade 6/7 Boys Tournament @ Cornerstone – 3:00 pm
February 19 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm