Grade 3

  • Class Overview

  • Grade 3

    Grade 3 is an exciting year! As students advance to the top of the primary division, they will take on more responsibility and begin to serve as role models for the school. They will develop greater ownership of their learning across the curriculum.

    The British Columbia Curriculum for Grade 3 supports integrated learning and exploration. Students will build on their reading and writing skills while deepening their understanding of Math concepts. They will be encouraged to express their ideas in new and creative ways.

    A continued focus on the Archdiocesan theme, ‘Celebrating Our Faith,’ will be integrated throughout the year, particularly through participation in prayer and, most importantly, the Mass.

  • Curriculum Summary

  • Christian Education

    Students will deepen their understanding of the teachings, prayers, and traditions of the Church, with a special focus on learning the Apostles’ Creed and the Rosary. Each student will have the opportunity to lead our daily class prayer. We will also continue to explore our Archdiocesan theme, ‘Celebrating Our Faith,’ with a particular emphasis on celebrating the liturgical life of the Church, centered around the Eucharist.

  • English Language Arts

    Students will begin by developing their letter sound and word recognition skills using the UFLI program. Throughout the year, they will engage with short stories, grammar-building workshops, and Readers Theatre, along with activities like journaling and Reading Corner to enhance literacy. They will study various texts to explore different perspectives and learn about themselves and the world. Creativity in writing will be encouraged, fostering a deeper appreciation for how language works.

  • Mathematics

    Students will explore Math through addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division while developing a strong understanding of number concepts up to 1000 and basic fraction concepts. They will continue working on patterns, studying both pattern rules and increasing and decreasing patterns. Additionally, students will advance their financial literacy skills by learning to recognize, count, and manage coins and bills up to 100 dollars.

  • Science

    Students will use questioning and predicting techniques when studying the Science curriculum. Students will learn about the environment (including ecosystems, local landforms, and observable changes in the local environment) as well as energy and matter. They will get to experience outdoor play and activities, and experiments.

  • Social Studies

    Students will learn about the diversity of people that live on Earth. They will study cultural characteristics of local and global First Nations through oral histories, traditions, and aspects of life. Hands on activities will help us to value the well-being of the self, the land, the spirit and the ancestors.

  • Arts

    Students will take part in a variety of creative experiences. They will study visual arts, dance, drama, and music. Students will work towards expressing ideas and feelings in creative and positive ways.

  • Check out this class news and homework

  • Class Teacher

    • Mrs. Caroline Winship
      Grade 3 Teacher

      Mrs. Caroline Winship

      Grade 3 Teacher

      Mrs. Caroline Winship received her Bachelor of General Studies from the university of the Fraser Valley. She received her Bachelor of Education from Trinity Western University. She has over 10 years of teaching experience and has taught grades K through 7. She is excited to be teaching grade 3 at St. James & St. Ann’s school.

    • Mr. Michael Sorley
      French/ADST/Grade 3

      Mr. Michael Sorley

      French/ADST/Grade 3

      Mr. Sorley received his Bachelor of Education from Simon Fraser University and a Bachelor of Arts from Thomas Aquinas College in Santa Paula, California. Prior to teaching, Mr. Sorley worked for 11 years as an Educational Assistant in the CISVA. He has been teaching at St. James and St. Ann’s School since 2020. He is grateful to be a part of this wonderful community and is excited to be teaching French and Applied Design, Skills and Technologies (ADST). Mr. Sorley is also teaching Grade 3 on Mondays and Tuesdays this year.