Catholic Education

  • According to Archbishop Michael Miller in his book, The Holy See’s Teaching on Catholic Education, the primary goal of Catholic education is to produce children who will be good citizens of the world, and love God and their neighbours. These children see heaven as their ultimate goal.

    At St. James & St. Ann’s School we have the responsibility to ensure that our students receive not only a good education, but also a good quality Catholic education to assist them in their development as future saints. This is done through our Religious Education instruction which takes place daily in the classrooms, monthly school Masses, regular paraliturgies, daily prayer, and celebration of the sacraments.

    In addition we work as community to participate in a variety of outreach programs. Our faith is also visually represented through displays of student artwork, bulletin boards and consistent prayer tables throughout the school. Finally, our faith is imbued across the curriculum, where subjects are taught with gospel values in mind as we continually seek truth and wisdom.